Produs nou
Tastatura matriceala 4x4, membrana, cu conector flexibil Dupont 2.54mm. Datorita flexibilitatii si inaltimii foarte reduse se poate monta direct pe panou rpin lipire cu banda dublu adeziva sau diversi adezivi. Compatibila 100% cu Arduino AVR.
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Data disponibilității:
Contact resistance of 500 (Ω)
Insulation resistance 100M (Ω)
Key Operating Force 150-200N
Rebound time 1 (ms)
Life of 100 million (times)
Operating Temperature 60 (℃)
1, the electronic characteristics
Circuit Rating: 35V (DC), 100mA, 1W
Contact resistance: 10Ω ~ 500Ω
(Varies according to the lead lengths and different from those of the material used)
Insulation resistance: 100MΩ 100V
Dielectric Strength: 250VRms (50 ~ 60Hz 1min)
Electric shock jitter: <5ms
Life span: tactile type: ≥ one million times
2, the mechanical properties
Operating pressure: Touch feeling: 170 ~ 397g (6 ~ 14oz)
Switch travel: touch-type: 0.6 ~ 1.5mm
3, the environment parameters
Operating temperature: -40 to +80
Storage temperature: -40 to +80
Temperature: from 40,90% to 95%, 240 hours
Vibration: 20G, max. (10 ~~ 200Hz, the Mil-SLD-202 M204.Condition B)